Posted in Movie, Zaati Stuff

My Favorite Movies of All Time

I’m just gonna throw this out: I love movies. I love cinema. I love how this medium is used to present epics as an immersive experience. Honestly, if I had enough money, I would’ve produced or directed a movie of my own just for the love of it! Now, I’m not a movie-holic or a screen junkie or anything. I don’t watch movies 24/7 or spend my free time watching movies. I’m actually very choosy in picking up movies. I have a specific taste in movies and I always want to make sure they’re worth my time because, let’s be honest, there’s a lot of junk out there.

Just like every person ever, I also have a list of favorite movies that I like for different reasons. Instead of presenting a Top 10 list like many do, I have decided to present my favorite movies from each genre i.e. action, romance, comedy, horror etc. It’s more fun that way.

Enough with the exposition. Let’s go!

Favorite Action Movie

The Matrix

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I love movies that question the very existence of our lives and present their own perspective on “What’s out there?” question. Matrix is not only awesome for its unique story-line (for that era) but also for its breathtaking action scenes, dialogue and characters. Its action scenes especially have become a standard in Hollywood. And its story-line has many layers and symbolism that can spark endless discussion. A near perfect movie in my opinion.

Honorable Mentions: Mission Impossible Fallout, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, The Raid.


Favorite Teen Movie

Mean Girls

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I love, love, love, love, love, love, LOVE Mean Girls. I LOVE IT! It’s so Fetch!

I love how it has remained one of the most relatable and quotable movies since its release. I love the depth of its plot and its three-dimensional characters and the genius comedy. Also, you MUST checkout Mean Girls and Harry Potter crossover memes. It’s uncanny how much parallel these two movies have.

Honorable Mentions: Freaky Friday, Easy A.

Favorite Drama

The Social Network

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I remember when I watched this movie in 2010 and the immediate effect it had on me. I was BLOWN away by it. I was blown away by Mark Zuckerberg’s story. And being a Software Engineering student myself, I was super motivated for doing something similar, i.e. backstabbing my friends and make a billion dollar company. Look at how that plan turned out! heh.. *cries in a corner*

Honorable Mentions: A Few Good Men, Molly’s Game, Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Favorite Crime Movie

The Godfather

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Godfather is not only my favorite crime movie, but one of my favorite movies of all time period. It’s among the top 3 for sure. Why? Where do I even begin with why. It has a great plot. Or plots! It has complex characters grounded in reality. The amount of grey in every character is astonishing actually. The realism in this movie also reaches new heights. Just to give you the idea of how great this movie is, The Godfather is one of the most plagiarized movies of all time! Its plot is recycled time and again by other film industries *cough* bollywood *cough* It set standards for Hollywood like no movie had done before it. And, most important of all, it’s entertaining!

Honorable Mentions: The Departed, Pulp Fiction, The Godfather Part 2.

Favorite Animated Movie

Frozen Series

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Damn, this one was tough. There are so many animated movies I love that I think I need to make a separate list of just my favorite animated movies. Anyway, many animated movies will come and go, but I’m sure Frozen 1 and 2 will always remain on top. Not because these movies have great plot (pretty average, actually) but the unique execution of the plot, the characters, the siblings relationship and the amazing music is what makes me and everyone else love these movies! I just love how it presented female characters WhO dOn’T nEeD nO mAn! My favorite character is Elsa, thank you for asking. Although my personality is more like Anna if I’m being honest.

Honorable Mentions: Shrek 1 & 2, The Lego Movie, Every Pixar Movie Ever, Spider-Man: Intro the Spider-verse, The Lion King, and more. Much, much more.

Favorite Fantasy Movie

Harry Potter Series

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Although Harry Potter books are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy better than the movies, like they’re so much better that I could make a separate post just about it, the movies are pretty good too. Except for Order of the Pheonix, Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows Part 1. I have my personal grievances against these ones. But as a whole, this is a pretty good series that, for most part, managed to be faithful to the source material.

Honorable Mentions: Lord of the Rings, Stardust, The Chronicles of Narnia.

Favorite Science Fiction


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Interstellar is a grossly underrated movie. I has gained sort of a cult status over the years but it needs to be more popular than that. It blew my mind when I first saw it. It has amazing score, visuals, and a jaw-dropping twist. It’s a must watch for sci-fi fanatics. I’ve seen this movie so many times, and it gets better each time.

Honorable Mentions: Edge of Tomorrow, Gravity, Inception, Back to the Future.

Favorite Horror

Conjuring 2

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I gotta be honest, I cannot watch horror movies. I get scared way too easily and I mostly just close my eyes entirely when a horror scene comes. Yet, oddly, I still love watching horror movies.

I watched Conjuring 2 in cinema and it scared the sh*t out of me. There’s this one scene where the possessed girl is being interviewed and she turns into an old man so subtly. I almost cried out of fear during that scene! The utter darkness and silence in the cinema also added to the terrifying experience. And then there was the infamous Nun! AHHHH! So SCARY!

Honorable Mentions: The Conjuring, The Ring, Lights Out.

Favorite Romance

The Notebook

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I love romance movies. But I have a very peculiar taste and not many romance movies are able to satisfy my romantic heart. Most of them are insta-love and cheesy and bland. Thankfully, this isn’t the case with The Notebook. It not only stars two of the most beautiful people (Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams) but also entails a truly heartfelt story about love both lost and found. I gotta be honest, this movie made me cry. It was beautiful. It is my favorite romance movie ever.

Honorable Mentions: A Walk to Remember, Jerry Maguire, Say Anything….

Favorite Superhero Movie

The Dark Knight Trilogy

If you ask me about my number one favorite movie of all time, I would reply with The Dark Knight with zero hesitation. This is not just the greatest superhero movie, but also one of the best movies of all time. The other two movies of The Dark Knight trilogy are also great. The entire trilogy is a wholesome experience that makes you return again and again. A truly classic trilogy in the superhero genre.

Honorable Mentions: Wonder Woman, Iron Man 1 & 3, Avengers Endgame, Spider-man 1 & 2.

Favorite Mystery

Gone Girl

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I watched Gone Girl because it was the talk of the town when it came out. I watched it because I was curious about what the all hype was about. And boy did it live up to its hype! It’s a story about a man who is arrested for seemingly killing his wife. The twist will destroy your mind and will make you question everything ever! This is a great mystery released in a time where there aren’t enough mysteries anymore.

Honorable Mentions: The Prestige, Arrival, Wind River

Favorite Comedy

The Heat

The Heat is an underrated comedy movie that doesn’t get enough love. Well, I hope my love for it is enough because I had a blast watching this movie. Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock had an amazing chemistry that elevated it’s simple premise and presented a great comedy. It’s also a very re-watchable movie. You can watch it again and again and never get bored.

Honorable Mentions: Bridesmaids, Pitch Perfect, Mrs Doubtfire.

So there you have it folks. My list of favorite movies from each genre. What are your favorites movies? Do share because I would love some recommendations. Thank you for reading. Allah Hafiz.



I love reading books and comics. I also love watching movies, cartoons, anime and anything remotely entertaining. Also, I have no life. Go figure.

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