Posted in Novel

Namal Episode 27 Review

I don’t know whether to be happy for Haneen after this episode or be absolutely terrified for Zumar. I think I’m gonna put my faith in Faris to save Zumar, and cheer for Haneen instead. She really outdid herself and outfoxed the foxes this time. Now, I’m not too fond of Haneen as a character. I don’t hate her, but if I were to list my favorite Namal characters, she won’t make that list. Still, you give credit where credit is due, and I gotta give it to Haneen for getting pass the psychological pressure from people around her and doing what she thought was right.

As the title suggested, this episode focused on Haneen and her not-so-normal struggles. She had to make some difficult decisions after being summoned to the court to testify against Hashim. Stakes were as high as they can get, what with her own honor on the line, yet she stood her ground and did her own research to defend herself from the accusations Hashim was going to make, by not letting him make any accusation at all! Instead of letting the truth about her come out in public, Haneen hit back hard on Hashim through Jawahirat. Her revelation about his mother’s affair may not have an effect on the trial, but it was a blow on Hashim’s pride and reputation. I loved how smug he was being when questioning Haneen like he was about to win a lottery. But she turned everything around. She was like, you want to talk about my character? How about we talk about your mother’s character instead? And just like that, Hashim’s smugness was replaced with the intense need to send her away. And Jawahirat could also see her impending doom getting even closer. Although, the kind of woman she is, she’s not going to go down without a fight. Villains and stubbornness go hand in hand.

Haneen’s arc had many valuable and thought provoking tidbits that make you wonder if girls really are just one disgraceful remark away from “losing” all honor. If this is the biggest and most effective weapon one can draw against a girl. You know what, it is true only as long as you let them too. As Haneen proved, even when she was in the wrong for a while, she repented and didn’t allow Hashim to humiliate her in front of other people. No matter what she says, this girl is far from normal.

I think it is a bit unfair to Hashim to have to get in a fight with an entire family of geniuses, alone. Especially when he’s wounded and betrayed by the same people he cared deeply about. First, it was Jawahirat and Sheru, and now Aabi has also joined the club. The more he claims he will win this trial, the more I pity him. He’s got a bazillion problems around him and I don’t see how he would make his way out of them. Just in this one episode, he got owned by Haneen, he got owned by Zumar, and he got owned by Faris. And also, his own brother has become a whistleblower of his company. Poor Hashim. I feel for you man. Even though you killed two people of Yousufs’ family, I still feel for ya. I hope you get a comfy cell in prison.

I may sympathize with Hashim, but I’m absolutely disgusted by Jawairat’s past actions. No matter how much I hate Aabi, what Jawahirat did to her mother was revolting. She is basically the reason Aabi’s life became a mess which in turn made her the type of person who creates mess in other people’s (mostly Faris and Zumar’s) lives. Speaking of, if something happens to Zumar, its on Aabi, regardless of whether or not she was behind her kidnapping. She diverted Faris’ attention from his family to her, even though he should have known better, and caused Zumar to be taken away.

While Zumar’s kidnapping is a tragedy, I really can’t figure out who would do that and why. I know Hashim is the obvious suspect after the things he said to Zumar at the restaurant, but I don’t really see the motivation here. It has to be someone else. It could be the name-less guy from the court, it could be Aabi’s father, or it could be the mole in the Yousufs’ family, if there really is one that is. I guess we all suspected Haseena for being the mole for the same reason Faris suspected her. Now that she’s out, I can’t imagine anybody else from this family going against one of their own.

Faris better save Zumar before things go out of hand. I trust him, even though he disappointed me a couple of times in this episode. And yeah those couple of times include his fight with Zumar and him keeping his attention on Aabi’s safety rather than his family’s, which caused Zumar to get kidnapped in the first place. Even though manipulating Niaz Baig was cool and all, this achievement overshadowed by those two events. Let’s not make things worse here, Faris, only better.

Tell me your thoughts on this episode. Who do you think took Zumar and why? Also, can Sheru really achieve what he’s set out to accomplish? To me, he will always be an idiot who can easily be manipulated by anyone at anytime for their own purposes. Sorry, didn’t mean to come out as a bully and hurt his feelings. But he is what he is.

Thank you for reading. Allah hafiz.


I love reading books and comics. I also love watching movies, cartoons, anime and anything remotely entertaining. Also, I have no life. Go figure.

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